Felknor Ventures TT021112 Topsy Turvy Tomato and Herb Planter
Aug 30th, 2011 by admin

Felknor Ventures TT021112 Topsy Turvy Tomato and Herb Planter

  • Grow delicious tomatoes and herbs all season long in just 3 simple steps
  • Upside-down planter forces water and nutrients to flow directly down from root to fruit
  • No pesticides, digging, weekend, or backbreaking work required
  • Grow parsley, basil, oregano, rosemary, mint, and other tasty herbs
  • Simple to set up and maintain

The Topsy Turvy Tomato & Herb Planter is the most exciting new invention ever for growing tomatoes and fresh herbs. That’s because the Topsy Turvy is an upside down planter, where gravity forces the water and nutrients to pour directly and freely down from the root to the fruit, yielding up to 30 pounds of ripe tomatoes per plant or fresh herbs including parsley, oregano, basil, rosemary, mint and more! Simply place tomato or herb plant in the Topsy Turvy, add favorite potting soil, hang it up

List Price: $ 15.99


Rare Italian Tree Tomato 15 Seeds – Grows 25 Feet Tall!

  • Crimson tomatoes that grow as big as 6 inches across!
  • It has meaty centers with solid divisions
  • It is by far the most productive tomato, often producing 3 bushels from just one plant!
  • 70 days from setting out plants until first fruits mature
  • 15 Seeds

TOMATO: Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and the seeds are high in fiber. The green parts are mildly poisonous, which is not surprising, as tomatoes are closely related to both nightshade and tobacco. The tomato was originally believed to be poisonous when introduced into Europe, and was used solely as an ornamental plant during the 16th and 17th centuries. The first traces of its use as a food date back to the first half of the 18th century. Tomatoes are now a tasty ingredient

List Price: $ 0.49


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