What are Nautical Birdhouses?
Jun 3rd, 2009 by Myarticle

There are a myriad of bird houses,something to appeal to every bird lover. Bird enthusiasts like to put up bird houses to entice birds to live on their property. To get wild birds to make their home, bird enthusiasts will set up bird houses, fix up bird baths, and use bird feeders in order to attract birds. Of all the variations of bird houses, it seems that the nautical bird house is definitely the most popular.

Definition Of A Marine Birdhouse

Usually, those who are not bird enthusiasts, think a bird house would be a square box with a roof. They think the houses would be made of lumber scraps and nailed on a nice fence post. However, bird lovers are aware there is a wide range of possibilities when it comes to choosing a birdhouse and a nautical birdhouse seems to consistently be the most popular.

 The uninitiated may think a nautical bird house is for pelicans or sea gulls. Of course those birds are too big. A nautical birdhouse is designed for song birds. Generally speaking a nautical bird house is constructed to resemble a marine theme. Light houses are what a lot of nautical bird houses look like. Of the huge variety of shapes and sizes of bird houses, for instance log cabins,churches, fire stations, general store, and Victorian houses, for some reason the nautical theme seems to be the most popular.

Constructing A Marine Birdhouse

Unfortunately the average person does not have the talent to construct a nautical bird house. It usually will take a skilled woodworker to construct the intricate design of a lighthouse. If you have the skill or just want to give it a try spend time finding the right pattern and go for it. On the other hand it might be smart to purchase one that is professionally made. The primary concern to be conscious of when buying is to stay away from metal. The nautical birdhouse like all bird houses should have no metal.

How To Mount A Nautical Birdhouse

First consider the ideal placement of the nautical bird house, it should be out of reach of predators such as dogs or cats so they cannot eat the baby birds. Then in the early winter, after most the birds have left for the south you should take the bird house down, clean it out and keep it indoors. A lot of times when someone purchases a nautical bird house that looks like a light house, they will never let birds use it but rather they will considerate it a decorative item for inside the house.

As so many bird enthusiasts have found, you cannot go wrong with the nautical bird house theme. Uniqueness, beauty and function rolled into one comes in these beautiful pieces.

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