Things to know about your worm farm
Jul 18th, 2010 by admin

Things to Know About your Worm Farm

It can be fun to maintain a worm farm and it is far better if you know the basic and important things to know about your worm farm.

Here are some common questions that can help you make the most outt of your worm farm.

With all the leftover food and kitchen scraps I feed my worms, how can I prevent ants from getting into the farm trays?

If a farm tray it is too dry or acidic, ants will surely make their way into the farm and invade worm space, which could kill the worms.

If the tray is too dry, just make sure to add water to raise moisture levels and add some garden lime to neutralize acidity, especially where ants are gathering.

To prevent ants from getting into the system, try placing the legs of the system in a container of water or rub Vaseline around it.

Will flies be attracted to the worm farm and will they be of any harm to the worms? Occasionally, small vinegar flies get into the worm trays, however, they will not do any harm. Should there be the presence of larger flies, just make sure to slow down the pace of feeding, that way food does not stay long in the worm tray and decompose long enough to attract larger flies.

If I should see maggots in my worm farm, how can I get rid of them? Maggots proliferate in the presence of decomposing meat in the worm farm, thus, it is important to avoid meat in your worm farm.

To remove the maggots, place several pieces bread soaked in milk on the surface, since it will attract maggots toward it and you may be able to remove them after a couple of days after you see the maggots transferring to the milk-soaked bread.

How do I get rid of foul smell emitting from the worm farm? Worm farms smell only if there is a lot of uneaten food built up in the worm farm.

If smelling should happen, stop feeding the worms temporarily and add some garden lime and stir the top tray lightly to allow aeration.

This will also allow the worms to move through it more easily and you can resume feeding when the smell dissipates.

Here are some other helpful hints you may need to know.

Always keep your worm farm damp but not wet, so water every so often or as required to maintain suitable conditions for the worms to propagate.

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