Your Questions About Vegetable Garden Plans
May 17th, 2011 by Garden Lover

Joseph asks…

vegetable garden plans?

does anyone know of a website that offers detailed plans for a vegetable garden?

Garden Lover answers:

Why not make your own plan? Search online for companion planting and you will find good info on which plants to plant next to each other. Next map out your area and use the companion planting guides to create your own plan.

Once you get started its actually not that hard to do. Over the years, you will want to use a rotating plan and not plant the same vegetables on the same soil. Different plants use different nutrients and have different diseases, so rotating helps the soil replenish and keeps the bugs down.

Sharon asks…

What direction should I plant my vegetable garden in Chandler, Arizona?

I’m in Chandler, Arizona… and would like to start a vegetable garden…. I plan on planting various vegetables and will plant them in different locations of the yard if need be. If I was planting cucs, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, broccoli…..what kind of sun do they need?

Garden Lover answers:

These plants should do well with plenty of sunlight. Is Chandler high desert? Of course, water well… Your local nursery can recommend varieties that will do well locally.

Susan asks…

Vegetable Garden planning software?

My son has taken an interest in planting a vegetable garden. Is there an online source with a downloadable program to design the project? I want to nurture his interest, but don’t want the yard to look horrible.

Garden Lover answers:

Try – there’s a free 30 day trial and it helps you draw out the garden area, then add vegetables, herbs and fruit. It automatically spaces the plants, calculates how many you require and will show when to sow, plant and harvest them for your area. There’s also a feature which emails you reminders of when to sow and plant each crop. The annual cost is very low. Good luck!

Richard asks…

I live near Baton Rouge, LA and am planning a vegetable garden this year. what seeds should I be sowing Now?

We are in zone 8-9 and our planting season begins around the middle of March. What seeds should I sew early so that they will be plants by the time I plant them? Thank you. Also is there any veggies that aren’t good for this area?

Garden Lover answers:

I assume you want to start seedlings from seeds during the late winter months…

Try using the Jiffy ‘greenhouse’ that you can get at Wal-mart to start your seedlings. They run about $6 for a 72 cell pack, and you can start more plants more cheaply this way and different varieties also. Plants that you can start that grow well in this zone include: tomatoes, okra, eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, herbs. A good source for seeds is Park Seeds (mail order). A good choice for tomatoes are the cherry type – but I always add a couple of heirloom tomatoes for fun…

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