So You Want To Start A Garden
October 2nd, 2010 by Myarticle

Anybody can grow plants. Even if you are convinced that you can’t grow plants you too can plant and raise a successful garden. You just need to do your research, be patient and you will absolutely grow a successful garden. Starting a garden is not much more complicated than reading and following directions and paying attention to the plants you are trying to grow.

Black thumbs do not exist. If you want to start your own garden follow these helpful tricks and hints to help you succeed.  Your dog can use his doggy door to get to your garden.

Before you start planting improve the quality of your soil. Not every patch of dirt is identical. You might have had bad luck with plants so far because you didn’t take time to make sure that the dirt in your yard was good enough to sustain growing plants. Different plants require different dirt and soil conditions to thrive.

Your ground will need to be worked before you plant your seeds. The best way to prepare your garden soil is to spread organic matter over the top of it. Compost is best but mulch and grass clippings are also good–spread them out a few months before you start planting. Your plants will benefit from the nutrients left behind by the compost that you have spread. You need to be patient if you want to be a good gardener. There is no getting around it, you are going to have to be patient because it can take quite a while before you see any real evidence of the work that you have done. The only way to avoid having to wait for this period to pass is to buy seedlings that are already sprouted from a nursery. If you aren’t keen on the idea of spending money on “baby” plants, you’ll have to be patient and keep working in your garden to keep it nourished while you wait to see the literal fruits of your labor. Don’t worry if your plants take a long time to grow–it can take weeks or even months for you to see any real activity on the top of the soil.  Use great vitamins for memory to assist you with this process.

Don’t spend a bunch of money on tools from the garden department just because you see them by the register. Start with a few necessities like a garden rake, a spade and a hose and then go from there. Over time, as you work with your plants, you’ll figure out which tools you actually use regularly and which are only used for special projects. Resist the urge to buy all of the tools being upsold to you by the gardening clerk at the store. You might wind up tossing a bunch of money away on tools that you won’t ever use! Anybody can start a garden. The trick to having a thriving garden is to take steps to ensure that you approach your new hobby the right way. You need to do some advance planning and plant research if you want your garden to flourish and thrive. Once you’ve learned how to keep your garden healthy and have figured out your gardening routine, doing your regular “chores” will feel a lot more like fun than work. You might even discover that you eagerly anticipate working in your garden each day!

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