Organic Gardening, Grow Your Own Vegetables, Organic Food Gardening
April 17th, 2012 by Aldouspi

"Here’s The Ultimate, ‘Take-You-By-The-Hand’ Manual For Creating & Managing Your Own

You don’t realize it, but in the next few minutes you’re going to learn that organic gardening can greatly improve your health and energy levels while really lowering your weekly food bills and it only takes about half an hour per week.

If you’re like me you probably hate the idea of eating foods (and providing them for your family) that may have been grown with chemicals.

Not only that, but the foods you buy from the supermarket may have been hanging around for days or even weeks before you buy them. This means that the life energy of the plant you’re going to eat is gone. When you eat something that is still living you absorb its life energy, which has additional health benefits.

And if you’re buying "organic", you are probably paying through the nose for your fruit and vegetables and you really have to trust in the person you’re buying from that it is truly organic.

Data compiled by the US Department of Agriculture reveals that since the 1940s the mineral levels in fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy have declined substantially in commercially produced foods. Think about this; along with earlier (pre-ripened) picking, longer storage and more processing of crops. Is it any wonder that we’re getting fewer nutrients in our food than we were 60 or 70 years ago?

Chemical fertilizers used by commercial growers produces lush growth by swelling produce with more water. On a per-weight basis, organic food has more "dry matter" (i.e. real food). Partly because of this organically grown foods contain higher levels of nutrients.

Organically grown foods are found to be much higher in antioxidants – another great benefit to you and your family.

Stop! Do you really want to keep paying out hundreds of dollars a month for fruit and vegetables that have little or no nutritional value? Or would you rather get started growing your own healthy, fresh organic food?

Stop for a moment and imagine how your would feel if you knew the fruit and vegetables that you put on the table for your family had virtually no nutritional value and possibly contained harmful chemicals.

OK, now imagine… walking out to your organic garden and picking carrots, peas, corn and spinach… digging a few potatoes… and gathering some herbs for dinner.

As you walk through your garden a sense of pride and achievement fills your heart as you see the efforts of your labor ripening, ready for harvest.

You notice that the tomatoes are starting to ripen and delight at the crisp smell of basil and thyme in the air. Your cucumbers and melons are getting larger every day, with practically no effort on your part – all you did was pop in a few seeds, add bit of organic fertilizer and made sure they were watered!

A calmness filters through you as you look once again over your garden and head towards the kitchen, knowing that you are providing your family with energy filled, living foods.

Hey: I didn’t grow up with parents who loved to garden. In fact neither of my parents enjoyed gardening. So I grew up in a home where "gardening" (if you could call it that) was considered a chore. The lawn had to be mowed, there were weeds to pull… and planting anything pretty or even edible was considered a waste of time and effort, because it would probably end up dying anyway.

So not much encouragement from my parents. The redeeming light for me was when I went to my grandparents home…

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