Lettuce Romaine Parris Island Cos Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds 275 Seeds
January 11th, 2011 by admin

Lettuce Romaine Parris Island Cos Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds 275 Seeds

  • Named for the South Carolina island, not for the city in France.
  • This is the lettuce for your Caesar Salads.
  • Plant lettuce in cool months, spring and again in early fall.
  • This packet has enough seeds for two 5 foot rows.
  • Lactuca sativa

No we didn’t spell Parris wrong. It is from an island off South Carolina. This lettuce produces excellent hearts as well as crispy greens. Enough for two 5 foot rows.


RARE Hokkaido Black Watermelon 10 Seed-,100 per Fruit

TOKYO A jumbo black watermelon auctioned in Japan on Friday fetched a record ,100, making it one of the most expensive watermelons ever sold in the country. In a society where melons are a luxury item commonly given as gifts, the watermelon’s hefty price tag followed another jaw-dropping auction last month. At that auction, a pair of “Yubari” cantaloupe melons sold for a record ,500. The 17-pound, black-skinned “Densuke” watermelon, a variety grown only on the northern island of Hokkaid


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5 Responses  
  • Bold Consumer writes:
    January 11th, 20116:42 pmat
    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Romaine Lettuce Is Delicious And So Easy To Grow! I Recommend it Highly!, January 10, 2010
    Bold Consumer (USA) –
    (TOP 500 REVIEWER)

    This review is from: Lettuce Romaine Parris Island Cos Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds 275 Seeds (Baby Product)

    This lettuce has been the easiest vegetable I have grown, along with spinach. Both just sprang right up from seeds. It came up fast and is producing much faster than I had expected.

    I did have to get some “safe” spray because there were gnat-like things flying around and I wanted to make sure not to spray my lettuce with anything I didn’t want to eat later. The carrots nearby may have attracted those flying creatures. Oh well. That happens. My Romaine Parris Lettuce looks BEAUTIFUL and tastes delicious.

    I started by soaking the seeds in water and then planted them in a heated seed-starting tray with a heated mat and it’s self-watering. That made it easy, even for me! As soon as the seeds sprouted, I transferred them to the Earth Box and almost all of my seeds/seedlings are doing well.

    I wish I had planted more, but I sure am enjoying it, although it’s almost too pretty to pick. Next time I’m going to plant much more of it.

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  • Lydia Terry writes:
    January 11th, 20116:42 pmat
    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    worth the wait, February 20, 2010
    Lydia Terry (New York) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Lettuce Romaine Parris Island Cos Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds 275 Seeds (Baby Product)

    I used these in my AeroGarden and they worked wonderfully, I’m looking forward to using these seeds in my out door garden.

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  • E. Small "e" writes:
    January 11th, 20117:01 pmat
    55 of 58 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Cut them a break…!, January 31, 2009
    E. Small “e” (Chattanooga, TN) –

    This review is from: RARE Hokkaido Black Watermelon 10 Seed-$6,100 per Fruit

    I dont understand why Hirt’s is recieving so many bad reviews. I ordered these seeds and got them within 3 days. The product was undamaged and came with great, detailed instructions. I started them in a seed starter I purchased from the hardware store and have seen FAST, FLAWLESS GERMINATION..!! A lot of the seeds Hirt’s carries are exotics and may not be right for your Zone. You cant expect them to grow without doing your homework first. Study up, read the all of the instructions, and explore all options before blaming the seeds or the company.

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  • M. Spieth "Maria Travels" writes:
    January 11th, 20117:33 pmat
    19 of 19 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Melons growing from every seed!, August 29, 2009
    M. Spieth “Maria Travels” (Everett, WA USA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: RARE Hokkaido Black Watermelon 10 Seed-$6,100 per Fruit

    I received eleven seeds instead of ten, of which eight sprouted. Pretty good odds since I started them inside in early spring to give them a better chance since I live in Washington and this year our winter was pretty severe. All eight are still growing well in the garden, all of them have a melon growing and doing pretty well. I don’t know how big they will get as our August has been cooler than normal but I’m hopeful and very happy with how well they’ve done for being watermelons growing in Washington state! They’re not black skinned yet, I assume they’ll turn color as they mature more, but they are a nice deep green.

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  • Serena s. "New generation farmer" writes:
    January 11th, 20117:59 pmat
    19 of 22 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic, April 26, 2009
    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: RARE Hokkaido Black Watermelon 10 Seed-$6,100 per Fruit

    I started growing these in my house in march. Ever single hirts seed i planted has come up and growing strong. They get a full days sunlight and i am shocked at the strenght of these seeds! I tried just two, as i dont have room for everyone of them, i have two very hardy black watermelon plants!
    I also have 2 hardy tiger melon plants growing so fast i need to get them into the ground soon. So far, Hirts is looking to be the only place to get my seeds. I bought livingston seeds and out of 10 i only have 2 plants. Thats disapointing.
    I plan to share a picture when i get it of my Hirts plants, i have 10 Black seaman tomato plants, 10 black krim tom., 15 roma tom., 10 beefsteak tom., 10 black trifle tom., and more. Thank you Hirt’s for your fast shipping and reliable seeds, my greenhouse will be filled with great food and my cold storage is waiting for fresh canned products! I cant wait to get my next shipment of seeds!

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