Joshua Roth 1516 Japanese Hori Hori Garden Landscaping Digging Tool With Stainless Steel Blade & Sheath
May 4th, 2010 by admin

  • Bonsai collecting tool
  • Metal detecting tool
  • Multi-purpose garden tool
  • Hunting, fishing tool
  • Comes with a heavy black vinyl plastic sheath and belt loop

Product Description
Joshua Roth Stainless Steel Hori-Hori digging tool 1516 This is a special version of Joshua Roth’s #1515 Hori-Hori digging tool. The stainless steel blade is very sharp and concave shaped for scooping soil and other materials. Because of its sharpness, it is excellent as a general purpose sporting knife. An indispensable tool for digging in the garden. It cuts and scrapes weed, roots and vegetables. Master gardeners love it. Comes with a heavy black vinyl plastic sh… More >>

Joshua Roth 1516 Japanese Hori Hori Garden Landscaping Digging Tool With Stainless Steel Blade & Sheath

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5 Responses  
  • Ky Le writes:
    May 4th, 20108:50 amat

    I bought one of these a fews weeks ago, but had to order a new one because I left the old one on the car trunk and drove off 🙁 I didn’t even get to use it except to open a bag of fertilizer. When it is in my hand I feel like a warrior lol
    Rating: 5 / 5

  • Kandice C. Heller writes:
    May 4th, 201010:46 amat

    Most fabulous garden tool ever…….for weeding, digging, cutting back perennials………..very sharp. Practically the only tool I use for a whole acre of flower beds.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  • S. McBurney writes:
    May 4th, 20101:13 pmat

    I bought the Hori Hori stainless steel garden knife because an equivalent product that I had purchased previously broke after a few months of use. That tool (a Fiskars product) worked fine until a design flaw in the handle resulted in the handle coming apart. The Hori Hori knife has a very robust handle and blade which allows it to survive the stresses induced when I pry out tough weeds. One feature that the Fiskars product had that I really liked was a groove cut into the pointed end of the blade. That grove was very useful in grabbing the stems of weeds which made it much easier to pry them out of the soil. The Hori Hori knife doesn’t have this notch. I bought two Hori Hori knives so I may modify one of them to add a notch just to see if I can replicate that feature. All in all, the Hori Hori is a very useful tool (even without the notch) and I would recommend it to every gardener.
    Rating: 4 / 5

  • Kandice C. Heller writes:
    May 4th, 20102:19 pmat

    I’m a master gardener and like a garden without weeds. This is the tool for weeding, cutting flowers, deadheading, and cutting down masses of flowers in the fall. You can also dig with it very well. I like to only carry one tool and this is it. It is VERY sharp when new. It is well worth the money. I’ve given them for gifts and always keep at least two. (one for my man…..)
    Rating: 5 / 5

  • trubleu writes:
    May 4th, 20104:21 pmat

    I’ve had it only twelve hours and wonder how I ever got along in the garden without it. What a wonderful tool! I have already used it as a trowel for planting; the blade made short work of an interfering tree root. I loosened weed roots in a flower bed for easy removal without disturbing a lot of soil, and pried weeds from the cracks in the sidewalk. Edging along the front walk was a breeze. I like it that there is a hole in the handle for easy hanging, too.
    Rating: 5 / 5

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