GardenRack ─ The Waist High Raised Bed Garden System
May 18th, 2014 by Aldouspi

If you’ve had to stop doing the gardening you love ─ or have been told to quit ─ welcome to GardenRack, the ultimate raised bed garden plan. It’s a free-standing, portable, low cost alternative to in-ground gardening.

If I could show you a way to walk out onto your deck, patio, balcony, or into your yard and do some weeding, watering, planting and harvesting all without bending or kneeling ─ would you be interested? It’s possible because the height can be adjusted to your own custom fit. You can tailor GardenRack’s dimensions to fit any height needed. In the downloadable plans for building a raised bed garden, the planting surface is designed to be waist high.

Want some proof? That’s me in the photo to the right. I’m 5 foot, 2 inches tall. If that’s your height, too, then just use the dimensions stated in the plans. If you happen to be taller or shorter, just measure your height from the ground to your waist and that’s how high the GardenRack should be.

And in this photo you can see that I’m growing tomatoes, herbs and scallions all within the 2 foot by 3 foot planting beds. I grow spring veggies like lettuce, radishes, scallions, carrots and peas as well as summer vegetables like tomatoes, peppers and herbs. Since you can customize the height to your individual needs, GardenRack is a perfect fit for gardeners in wheelchairs or with limited mobility. There’s even a way to attach a trellis to grow vertically and reach vegetables for your supper ─ without help.

Get INSTANT ACCESS To GardenRack, the Waist High Raised Bed Gardening System

I also want to get two FREE bonus ebooks with today’s purchase: GardenRack Growing and How to Attach a Trellis to Your GardenRack!

Have your credit card handy and click the "Add To Cart" button below to access GardenRack right now…

When I moved to Tidewater, Virginia I was 10-year-old-first-time-at-Disney-World excited to start my brand new garden. This was my first house with 5 acres! In Virginia, I finally had some real space to garden.

The day after moving in, I ran to a local nursery, bought $102 worth of plants and began planting. But I didn’t get very far.

I found out quickly that my house was surrounded by clay hard pan underneath what appeared to be good soil. If you’re not familiar with hard pan, it’s soil that’s so dense you can make pottery out of it.

And that’s the beauty of GardenRack. You’re not stuck with the soil you happen to live on. Instead, you control the soil in two 2′ x 3′ plastic tubs and can have your ultimate raised bed garden going in a single afternoon. It no longer matters where you live, how much space you have, or the composition of the soil. You’ll have perfect loam every time!

Garden Rack-Waist High Raised Garden Beds Gardening is Fun again if You Don’t Have Bend or Kneel. If you’ve had to Stop Doing the Gardening you love ─

If you’ve got 15 square feet ─ about the size of a standard washer and dryer sitting side by side ─ you can have a gorgeous garden. No matter where you live! And if your "garden" is more like a concrete jungle GardenRack is perfect for you, too. GardenRack performs double duty ─ it’s a beautiful addition to your landscape and an efficient and convenient place to grow flowers, veggies, and herbs without changing a thing in your yard.

If you find that you’ll be downsizing soon, your garden can go with you. GardenRack is portable and you’ll never again have to wait for soil conditions to improve before you plant. The first step in every successful garden is good soil…

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