Feng Shui Plants to Create a Better, Healthier Home
June 10th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Feng Shui Plants to Create a Better, Healthier Home

Author: Feng Shui Master

Feng Shui Plant

According to the principles of Feng Shui, plants uplift and circulate the energy in our homes, creating harmony and enhancing our environment. They also help clean the air we breathe!

Did you know that the air inside your home is often more polluted than outside? A study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that pollution inside a home could be two to five times higher than outside the home, even in large, industrialized cities.

Unfortunately, many common products used to decorate and clean our homes, including certain types of paint, finishes, carpeting, mattresses, curtains and particleboard, and cleaning products, contain chemicals that release fumes into the air through a process called off-gassing. The pollutants inside your home can cause headaches, fatigue, asthma, and other respiratory problems.

However, according to scientist Dr. B.C Wolverton, author of How to Grow Fresh Air, houseplants may actually help remove indoor air pollutants. In addition, some plants may also reduce some of the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which emanate from electronic appliances such as computers and cell phones. So create a healthier environment by adding plants to your home or office.

But what about specific Feng Shui tips for your plants? Always keep your plants healthy as happy Feng Shui plants produce positive energy.

Fresh cut flowers are also a wonderful way to uplift energy, but, of course, once they start to wilt, be sure to throw them out. Dried flowers and fake plants/flowers are okay ,as long as they’re in good shape, but once they start to get dusty or fade, it’s probably best to throw them out as well.

In Feng Shui, healthy plants are often used as a wealth enhancement to symbolize thriving finances and are therefore well suited for an office or home office. Three traditional Feng Shui house plants you might add are Areca Palm, Money Plants and Mother-in-Law’s Tongue.

So place Feng Shui plants anywhere you feel inspired, as wherever they are, they will boost the energy, remind you of nature, and help create a more beautiful, peaceful home. And remember happy houseplants clean the air you breathe, so add them into your household!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/interior-design-articles/good-feng-shui-house-plants-feng-shui-plants-to-create-a-more-peaceful-home-3356472.html —- About the Author:   Getting bad luck recently? Not smooth in life? Get your Good Feng Shui House Plants and change your luck now! Try this Ultimate Feng Shui Solution and create Happiness, Health and Prosperity!

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