AeroGarden 9401-00Z Extended Season Liquid Nutrients for Herbs
August 1st, 2011 by admin

AeroGarden 9401-00Z Extended Season Liquid Nutrients for Herbs

  • Add up to 3 months of growth (up to 6 months in AeroGarden 3)
  • Nutrients plus pH buffer
  • Formulated for herbs

Extend the life of your healthy and productive plants with our Extended Season Nutrients. Use when you’ve run out of the nutrient liquid packs that came with your seed kit.

List Price: $ 19.95


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3 Responses  
  • Fancy Trimmins writes:
    August 1st, 201111:21 pmat
    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Work Very Well, arrive a bit messy but easily fixed., August 13, 2009
    Fancy Trimmins (USA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: AeroGarden 9401-00Z Extended Season Liquid Nutrients for Herbs (Lawn & Patio)

    These tabs work very well. I’ve had my Monster Herbs growing since late December ’08 and can hardly keep up, as well as my Humongous Chef Salad mixture. The basil varieties, Parsely, Chives and Mint are going crazy and the romaine/mesclun/baby greens are happiest with these extenders.

    They did arrive in a torn ‘baggie’ and I thought that was the reason they were wet, sticky, slimy and stuck to each other. But reading other reviews I find they seem to ‘be’ this way, torn baggie or not. After reading the reviews about placing them in the freezer, I threw them in the freezer and forgot about them until needed. I found them to be a bit ‘sturdier’ but still slimy so I separated the tablets using tiny pieces of foil in between each one and then ‘stacked’ them in rows, placed them in a new freezer bag, and plopped them on the door of the freezer section of the frig. They are in great shape now and much easier to use. No more fishing what I need from the cold, frosty, slimy bag. Just grab two ‘foiled’ tabs and off I go. Easy as pie!

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  • Sister Carrie writes:
    August 1st, 201111:34 pmat
    7 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    AeroGarden has Gone to Liquid Nutrient Packets!!!!, November 1, 2009
    Sister Carrie (Midwest) –

    This review is from: AeroGarden 9401-00Z Extended Season Liquid Nutrients for Herbs (Lawn & Patio)

    NOTE: the original review was written in November 2009 when AeroGarden only offered tablet nutrients to consumers. The tablet nutrients were awful. AeroGrow learned from consumer complaints & switched to a liquid nutrient package in early 2010.

    ORIGINAL REVIEW (just in case there are some tablet nutrients hanging around or somewhere on a clearance rack):
    I’ve had trouble with Aeorgarden’s nutrient tabs because they crumble & liquify.

    These should soon be replaced with liquid nutrients (Nov 2009 per Aerogarden), so, hopefully this big issue will go away. As of December 2009, Aerograden is still sending out tablet nutrients & I was told by customer service that they are depleting their tablet inventory before sending out liquid (2010 for liquid now).

    The last bag of nutrients that I was sent was so liquified that I had to ask customer service to replace them (they will tell you on the individually packaged nutrients to also rinse the bags in water & pour into your Aerogarden – with a bag that isn’t individually packaged, you can’t do this).

    One star because you can’t get proper nutrients to your Aerogarden if the nutrients are crumbly or liquified & all in the same package. Kudos to Aerogarden for replacing nutrients & plants when you call in, but, seriously, it is a hassle & a waste of electricity to keep having to do this when Aerogarden is fully aware that they have a crumbly nutrient tablet problem.

    I was ecstatic to finally receive long promised liquid nutrient packets from AeroGarden. After multiple tries with the tablet nutrients, I’d about given up on both of my Aerogardens. Enter the liquid packet. They are easy to use & don’t take up much storage space. I do not have to put them in the freezer like the tablets. I do keep them in a cool, dry place.
    The liquid packets are used just like the tablets; when the garden signals to put in nutrients, simply tear open a liquid packet (or 2 based upon your type of garden) & pour into the water. I go ahead & rinse out the liquid packet in the water so that all of the nutrients are flushed out (a trick taught to me by customer service when dealing with the tablet nutrients). In any event, I like the liquid packets much better than the nutrient tablets. Kudos to Aerogarden for listening to customers & changing the product.

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  • Kristin M Richardson writes:
    August 1st, 201111:34 pmat
    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
    1.0 out of 5 stars
    Description lacking, March 31, 2011
    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: AeroGarden 9401-00Z Extended Season Liquid Nutrients for Herbs (Lawn & Patio)

    I order from Amazon ALL the time and have never been disappointed. Until now. I looked and looked in the product description to try and make sure that I was ordering the same thing I would be ordering through Aerogarden. The product is the same, but only six packets came in the mail. SIX! When Aerogarden sells 25 for $20, I am disgusted that I bought 6 for $13. I have always found Amazon to have better prices than competitors, but in this case, I got robbed.

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