Aerogarden ® Compatible Replacement Grow Sponges for 7-pod Aerogardens Reviews
July 23rd, 2011 by admin

Aerogarden ® Compatible Replacement Grow Sponges for 7-pod Aerogardens

  • Contains 25 replacement grow sponges for seed planting
  • Fits 7-pod Aerogarden models (won’t fit universal baskets, which are longer)
  • Use them to grow anything you want
  • Less expensive than a new seed kit
  • *Note: Sponges only, does not include plastic seed pod.

List Price: $ 6.99


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3 Responses  
  • Insanity LTD writes:
    July 23rd, 201111:47 amat
    29 of 29 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    So far this and miracle grow works better than OEM kits, August 17, 2010
    Insanity LTD (Midwest USA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Aerogarden ® Compatible Replacement Grow Sponges for 7-pod Aerogardens

    I bought these and Miracle Grow liquid feeder to start grape tomatoes in my AeroGarden 7 system. The seeds sprouted within 8 days, not 14-21 as the package stated. They are growing like crazy and are thriving! I will be trying other seed varieties soon and I’m hoping that it will be an economical alternative to the overpriced Aerogarden pod kits.

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  • Michael G. Genrich writes:
    July 23rd, 201112:15 pmat
    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
    3.0 out of 5 stars
    Aerogarden grow sponges, April 15, 2011

    This review is from: Aerogarden ® Compatible Replacement Grow Sponges for 7-pod Aerogardens

    I tried these for the first time this spring, and although the tomato and greens seedlings did great, the pepper seedlings did not so great. The difference could be the slightly thicker pepper seed shells, which take slightly longer to germinate than tomatoes, etc, just long enough that they rot in the super-moist environment of these grow sponges before germination. I’ll buy the grow sponges again – just did, in fact – but I’ll be smarter about what I plant in them the next time.

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  • Judy's Books writes:
    July 23rd, 201112:59 pmat
    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Excellent product, March 1, 2011
    Judy’s Books (Anchorage, Alaska, USA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Aerogarden ® Compatible Replacement Grow Sponges for 7-pod Aerogardens

    It is nice to know that I can get some of the products that I need for my Aero Garden at a reasonable price from another location.AeroGarden 0019-00Z 0019-00Z Garden Starter Tray

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