The World Needs More Bees!
May 20th, 2024 by Aldouspi

The World Needs More Bees!

Image by achildinthewood from Pixabay

If you have ever thought of having a beehive and becoming a beekeeper –– now is the time! With the overuse of bee-deadly pesticides killing bees, herbicides destroying bee-friendly plants, wild habitat destruction and the ever changing temperatures and conditions due to climate change, bees everywhere are struggling.

Bees need our help – and your garden area maybe just the right place for a beehive.

Imagine sitting on your deck enjoying a sunny summer afternoon. You can see the red and green of your tomato plants, yellow squash blossoms and flowers all around. A breeze brings the perfume of your flowers in a mixture of scents to you.. And you can hear the buzzing and humming of the honeybees in your garden beehive. As you watch, see your honeybees flying from flower to flower, gathering nectar and pollinating your garden and backyard.

Observe the bees, as they take the nectar to the hive, soon to be made into honey – eventually to be shared with you and your family. This can be a lifetime occupation of delight.

Bees are hard workers and self-sustaining. They can take care of your garden’s pollination needs and many others plants in the neighborhood as well.

Eventually, since we have to, we will stop using the deadly pesticides and turn to a more sustainable lifestyle to mitigate the climate crisis. In the meantime, we need to preserve and protect as many bees as we can.

There are many resources to help you become a beekeeper. Beekeeping 101 is one such resource and provides a comprehensive beginner beekeeping course that covers all the important beekeeping aspects you need to know (and much more).


News About Beekeeping

Bees Are…

Bees are the guardians of the harvest,
Without their constant work,
So many flowers and fruits and vegetables
Would disappear from our world.

In the summer sun,
A buzz grows
In harmony
As bee after bee
Join in,
Gathering pollen
And pollinating the garden,
How the buzzing calls to me,
An almost sacred sound –
That reassures
That all is right
In the world…
And soon there will be honey!

©2024 Carl Scott Harker, author of
The Hedgehog and Other Selected Poems

Hoover Hives Fully Assembled
Bees Wax Coated 10 Frame Beehive
Available on Amazon
Beekeeping for Free ... ish

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