Palmates and Pinnates – The Main Types of Palm Trees
April 18th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Palmates and Pinnates – The Main Types of Palm Trees

By: Jessie Stone

Palmates and Pinnates

Since there are more than 2,600 types of palm trees, it would make things a lot simpler if people would classify them to help the common folks understand them even better. There are variants that are smaller, which are more like the landscape type that aren’t really that tall. On the other hand, there are those towering giant palms that grow taller than a hundred feet.

To answer the question, there are primarily two main types of palms. These two basic types or classifications are palmates and pinnates. Take note that whether one palm specie falls into one or the other classification, they all need the same basic care and attention from the folks who planted them.

To differentiate one type from the other, palmates have leaves that are shaped pretty much like fans. Some people compare the shape of the leaves of this variant being comparable to fingers of a hand around a person’s palm. Pinnates on the other hand are palm trees that are usually compared by many people to feathers. The fronds, some say, look like feathers. The stem forms the center and the leaves grow out of it.

Some of the examples of palmates include the following:

Florida Silver Palm (or Coccothrinax argentata) – this palmate is more of an ornamental plant and is a preferred by landscape artists. This palm usually grows up to 25 feet in height.

Cabbage Palm (or Sabal palmetto) – this variant of palmate is usually 80 to 90 feet tall. This is also the state tree of Florida.

Washington Palm (or Washingonia spp.) – this species of palm trees are usually 50 to 80 feet in height. It is a very adaptable type of palmate and can grow either on dry or moist soil.

Australian Fan Palm (or Livistonia australis) – this specie grows up to 80 feet tall and is usually planted along the road.

Some of the samples of pinnates include the following:

Cane Palm (or Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) – This type of pinnate can grow to maximum height of 20 feet. It is prefect both for the indoors or outdoors on the lawn.

Royal Palm (or Roystonea spp.) – People usually say this tree as being majestic, thus the name. This top array of this palm is very elaborate and it usually reaches a height of a hundred feet.

MacArthur Cluster Palm (or Ptychosperma macarthuri) – This is one of the many adaptable kinds of pinnates in the world. These trees typically grow in clusters and their maximum height usually ranges from 25 to 30 feet.

Cuban Acrocomia (or Acrocomia armentalis) – This pinnate type palm can grow up to 50 feet tall. It has a characteristic thorny trunk and it usually grows on more sandy soil.

Caring for Palm Trees

Palms, whether they are pinnates or palmates, really add that exotic look to any landscape. People should be aware that you can’t just plant these trees and expect them to grow well on their own. Keep in mind that some species of palms are also just as susceptible to diseases as other plants, shrubs, and trees. There also palm trees that are prone to pests such as the red palm mite and the royal palm bug.

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Palmates And Pinnates

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